Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Herb Offender

One of Heath's summer projects is to grow various herbs in shared backyard of our condo meeting. He asked the condo association if he could put some planters out in the common space since our deck doesn't get a ton of light. They agreed.

Things were going very well. Heath was growing oregano, dill, cilantro, basil and chives. Dill and cilantro were doing best, as you can see here:

One recent morning Heath went out to water his precious plants and, much to his dismay, he found them trampled with a cigarette butt in one of the planters. Can you believe it? He had to pull up the plants, which is a bummer since it means starting over.

I'm glad we got to enjoy the cilantro at least once (in this yummy green enchilada recipe) before the garden vandalism.


Mackensey Carter said...

omg!! Your poor babies!! :( :(

Amy and Andrew said...

How rude! Hmph.

Sarah said...

what is WRONG with people!?