Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thais' Travels

You can lay the blame for blog silence on me. When I'm not home it just doesn't get done, and I was gone a lot in May.

I started off my travels in sunny Anaheim, where I was able to visit with Jenny as well as my wonderful in-laws: Jacque, Clyde and Mackensey.

From there, I was off to Vegas for my company's first live event: DPRWorld. It was a ton of work and I swear to you I didn't see the sun for three days straight, but bookending my time in the cavernous convention center was time spent poolside at the Mandalay Beach. It was the most tanning time I've had in over a year! For proof that I was actually working quite a bit and not gambling or partying my time away, you can go to promise not to make fun of me.

Amanda had a limo pick us up at the office. Sweet!

Christine, mad at me for taking this picture.

Mandalay Beach, complete with sand and waves.

Christine and I trying to look relaxed.

The "staff room" at the show.

Tom, our web wizard who made the e-show daily happen.

Chris Isaak performing just for our attendees. It was incredible!

Christine and I at the concert with matching lipstick. Who knew?

Christine, Karen and Renee doing I don't know what.

The spectacular show floor.

Once back from Vegas, I was soon in Minneapolis—not as sunny—for a meeting with Patterson, one of the biggest distributors in dental. These trips comprised the first part of my "introductory tour" as the new editor-in-chief for Dental Products Report.

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